Monday, 21 September 2015


Hey Peeps,
Its a brand new week and I’m excited about doing the 3rd week of Insanity. I started off day 15 with the fit test and I’m glad there was maximum improvement. With the push-ups, I can actually manage them now. On day 1, I did modified push-ups and even those were extremely hard. I feel stronger and Looking at the Fit test results, I can tell I’m getting better.
After my workout, I had oatmeal for breakfast which is quite rich in Fiber. Notice I use Almond milk which is a healthier option as opposed to regular milk whether full cream, low fat or skim milk. Also, I’m not so sure about soy milk since I read that there is good soy and bad soy, so i just stick to my almond milk which i happen to love.
This week, I will be having my lentils and Macaroni for Lunch. I have decided to start cooking my lentils or beans myself instead of buying the canned ones which have preservatives and who knows what?
So I boil my lentils which do not actually take very long to cook like beans. Then I use olive oil to saute tomatoes, onions, green pepper, garlic, ginger, and regular peppers for a while. I add in my chicken(7 pieces for the week) and allow to cook for a while. Then I pour in the cooked beans and leave for about 7 minutes. Outcome is amazing.
I serve this with pasta. I had to use brown pasta which is healthier but since i didn’t buy it before time, I ended up using white. you see? “FAILING TO PREPARE IS PREPARING TO FAIL” I was suppose to buy that before time. Never-mind, Next time I will. One lesson to learn from this is not to keep the stuff that you don-not intend to use at home. If you decide to turn a new leaf and start eating clean, you need to do away with “Unclean” stuff and don’t leave it lying around because you will end up using it.
At 5:30 pm, I did my daily dose of turbo Jam . Always amazing. I didn’t feel so tired today because i rested well over the weekend.
For dinner, I had a vegetable salad with some grapes on the side. I strife to have dinner before 7 pm so that my food can have time to digest before I go to bed. I stopped eating dinner so late which was totally bad. Now, I wake up feeling lighter and ready for my morning workout. After 7 pm, the kitchen is closed and the only thing available is water.
That was my day. See you tomorrow for an update peeps.
Xoxo…Determined Chick

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